Some of the Short Stories that I have written
This digitalised diary of mine is on the web for every one to go through, read, have fun and comment on it. This would not be my daily activity, rather I would try to write on some particular topic - Welcome to the Neo's Dream World - The Digital Diary
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Saturday, May 02, 2020
The Fourth Dimension
One of the first story/concept/film idea that I wrote 17-18 years back... If you like science fiction, then you would like this one, check it out!!!
Grrrrrriiiiiiiiinnnngggggg!!! Alarm rings. San wakes up lazily as though not wanting to get up, switches off the alarm and sees the time. OOOps 8:30. Normally he keeps the alarm for 6:00, and starts early to office at 7:30 itself though his timing is 9:30. He is shocked that the alarm timings are changed. Confused by that... throws back his bedsheet, gets up, rushes to the washroom and brushes his teeth. While brushing the teeth keeps starring at his face, just checking if everything is fine. Takes a quick bath, changes his clothes, gets ready in about 5 mins, takes the stair case down not even waiting for the lift to come. Gets into his car, starts it, raises the accelerator and Zoooooooooom he goes. Office security salutes him as he enters. Parks his vehicle, gets down the car and walks towards the lift. SHIT!!! he says to himself, realizing that he has forgotten his Rolex watch at home (Forgetting for the first time). His office is at the 10th floor, he is at the parking lot in the basement waiting for the lift. None of the lifts come to the basement and unusually it takes a longer time. And finally one lift comes down to the basement. He keeps his left leg on the lift and all of a sudden the whole place changes and he is standing on the edge of a wall that is on the terrace of an 80-storey building. If he steps his right leg, then he would fall off the building. He is shocked and it takes his breath and there goes a high frequency sound... Grrrrrriiiiiiiiinnnngggggg!!! San jumps from the bed and stops the alarm. He sits on the bed with eyes wide-open for couple of seconds, not able to accept that it was a dream, as it looked so real. Then he sees the alarm timepiece and is shocked all the more. The reason is... the time shows sharp 8:30
[The clock is slowly focused and then the movie title appears “THE FOURTH DIMENSION”]
San is still not able to get over, as the clock showed 8:30 just as it was in his REAL DREAM. He gets up and then goes to the washroom. As he washes his face, he keeps starring to check if things were fine. He changes clothes in similar fashion as in dream, gets ready and goes out to catch the lift. Power goes off and so he is forced to take the stairs, which again resembles the dream. He is sensitive about the things happening, doesn’t want to repeat what happened in dream and so forces him to go against it. So avoids the car and hires a cab, reaches office. As expected, the lift takes a longer time, which adds to his fear. He takes a deep breath and then enters the lift, nothing happens.. Huh!!! a big relief. Once he starts working, he forgets the world.
[The story moves on as we show some more dreams that look so real which confuses San as well as the viewers]
Things get worse where San falls into imagination world. Even while working, suddenly he is sitting in some other place doing something else. Takes some time to come to reality. He is disturbed with this dream world, imagination world and the real world. This affects his work and everyone notices that there is some difference in him. He keeps talking to himself and realizes it only when group of people surround him and ask, What happened, whom are you talking with?
He wants to get rid of this and so decides to meet up a Dr. He finds an address of a clinic in a newspaper, makes a note of it. Calls up and fixes an appointment. From office, he leaves to the clinic directly. Meets the Dr, but hesitates to tell him the issue, just requests for a complete master checkup. Dr does take all the tests and then asks him to come the next day. San meets him the next day and finds that there is absolutely no issue with his physical fitness. Dr then asks him what’s the problem exactly and why did he go for a complete checkup. San reluctantly says that he has a problem with DREAMS. The Dr laughs at him and says what is the problem if you get dreams, it is very normal and you need not worry about it. Later San explains the dream he gets and how real they were and their relation with his real time life. Dr does understand his problem and refers to meet his psychiatrist friend.
San then gets in touch with the psychiatrist and explains his problem that he is not able to differentiate between the real and the dream. Initially psychiatrist thinks that there is some psychological issue with him. He helps him to differentiate between the dream and the real. Tells him to note down or mark things that happen in real so that he can make out the difference easily. San feels better as he keeps meeting up the psychiatrist regularly and shares his experience on a daily basis.
Things go fine until one day when San faces another worse situation. He sees a place in his dream and amused that he finds that place in real. He has never been to that place earlier. Shocked by it, bunks office and goes directly to psychiatrist place. Psychiatrist is at a discussion with his friend who is a famous scientist. Not even asking an excuse, san directly drops in and starts telling about his dream to the psychiatrist. He calms him down, and asks him to relax. Suggests getting some sleeping pills so that he has good sleep. After San leaves, out of curiosity Scientist asks about him. Psychiatrist explains his problem and says he has never seen such a case in his life. At times he feels that the issue is with San, but he brings some proofs, which confuses. Scientist, who is doing a research on Time and Space, says that this case is quite interesting and that it is something related to his study. So he requests for the details from the psychiatrist. Takes it along with him. Does a detail study. He even follows San, to find if he is bluffing or really in some trouble. Notes down the places that San had mentioned in his records, searches for the places. Searches the net on similar case studies. After a detailed research finds that San is able to see the FOURTH DIMENSION. Explains the same to the psychiatrist. They both call up San to explain his problem.
Scientist tells San that he is in the Fourth Dimension or in other words he can see the Fourth Dimension. He blinks and stares at psychiatrist as though not able to understand what he is referring to. Scientist asks San "How many dimensions do you know?" San replies that he has heard of 2D and 3D in maths in school days and he hated maths to the core. He says that there are N-Dimensions in the world and human beings can visualize only 3 dimensions out of it.
He starts of with explaining the basics of dimension. Any object which has two parameters such as length and breadth or which can be represented in a single plane is called as two-dimensional object. Any object in 2D can be plotted graphically with 2 axis both perpendicular to each other. We all know that some examples of 2D object are Circle, Square, Rectangle, Cartoon images etc. When it comes to 3D, another parameter is required and graphically another axis perpendicular to both of the existing axis should be possible. Examples of 3D objects are Cube, Ball, any object that we use like pen, box, TV, cycle and infact we humans are also 3D objects. He explains all these with help of diagrams.
[The story moves on as we show some more dreams that look so real which confuses San as well as the viewers]
Things get worse where San falls into imagination world. Even while working, suddenly he is sitting in some other place doing something else. Takes some time to come to reality. He is disturbed with this dream world, imagination world and the real world. This affects his work and everyone notices that there is some difference in him. He keeps talking to himself and realizes it only when group of people surround him and ask, What happened, whom are you talking with?
He wants to get rid of this and so decides to meet up a Dr. He finds an address of a clinic in a newspaper, makes a note of it. Calls up and fixes an appointment. From office, he leaves to the clinic directly. Meets the Dr, but hesitates to tell him the issue, just requests for a complete master checkup. Dr does take all the tests and then asks him to come the next day. San meets him the next day and finds that there is absolutely no issue with his physical fitness. Dr then asks him what’s the problem exactly and why did he go for a complete checkup. San reluctantly says that he has a problem with DREAMS. The Dr laughs at him and says what is the problem if you get dreams, it is very normal and you need not worry about it. Later San explains the dream he gets and how real they were and their relation with his real time life. Dr does understand his problem and refers to meet his psychiatrist friend.
San then gets in touch with the psychiatrist and explains his problem that he is not able to differentiate between the real and the dream. Initially psychiatrist thinks that there is some psychological issue with him. He helps him to differentiate between the dream and the real. Tells him to note down or mark things that happen in real so that he can make out the difference easily. San feels better as he keeps meeting up the psychiatrist regularly and shares his experience on a daily basis.
Things go fine until one day when San faces another worse situation. He sees a place in his dream and amused that he finds that place in real. He has never been to that place earlier. Shocked by it, bunks office and goes directly to psychiatrist place. Psychiatrist is at a discussion with his friend who is a famous scientist. Not even asking an excuse, san directly drops in and starts telling about his dream to the psychiatrist. He calms him down, and asks him to relax. Suggests getting some sleeping pills so that he has good sleep. After San leaves, out of curiosity Scientist asks about him. Psychiatrist explains his problem and says he has never seen such a case in his life. At times he feels that the issue is with San, but he brings some proofs, which confuses. Scientist, who is doing a research on Time and Space, says that this case is quite interesting and that it is something related to his study. So he requests for the details from the psychiatrist. Takes it along with him. Does a detail study. He even follows San, to find if he is bluffing or really in some trouble. Notes down the places that San had mentioned in his records, searches for the places. Searches the net on similar case studies. After a detailed research finds that San is able to see the FOURTH DIMENSION. Explains the same to the psychiatrist. They both call up San to explain his problem.
Scientist tells San that he is in the Fourth Dimension or in other words he can see the Fourth Dimension. He blinks and stares at psychiatrist as though not able to understand what he is referring to. Scientist asks San "How many dimensions do you know?" San replies that he has heard of 2D and 3D in maths in school days and he hated maths to the core. He says that there are N-Dimensions in the world and human beings can visualize only 3 dimensions out of it.
He starts of with explaining the basics of dimension. Any object which has two parameters such as length and breadth or which can be represented in a single plane is called as two-dimensional object. Any object in 2D can be plotted graphically with 2 axis both perpendicular to each other. We all know that some examples of 2D object are Circle, Square, Rectangle, Cartoon images etc. When it comes to 3D, another parameter is required and graphically another axis perpendicular to both of the existing axis should be possible. Examples of 3D objects are Cube, Ball, any object that we use like pen, box, TV, cycle and infact we humans are also 3D objects. He explains all these with help of diagrams.
In the 3D axis diagram, we have to visualize the Z-axis perpendicular to X and Y, which means Z-axis should be protruding vertically outside the screen. Now to represent a 4D object we have to draw another axis perpendicular to all 3 X, Y and Z, which is not possible. Means 4th axis drawn would be parallel to any of the three, which says that it is not another unique axis. So we have to imagine a virtual axis (that doesn’t exist). In simple words, think of "TIME" as the 4th and the virtual axis. Any 3D object moving across time is said to be in the 4th Dimension.
Now frustrated san looses his temper and shouts at his voice "What does this got to do with my problem?"
Relax!!! says the scientist and asks him to have some patience. "What I’m about to say may be little complicated and confusing and that’s why explaining it from the basics.
He continues, Universally, TIME is been accepted as the 4th Dimension. We being objects of 3 dimensions are living in a 4th Dimension world too but unfortunately we will not be able to see ourselves in that. In a 3D object we can plot a point, which can act in multiple axis at the same time. For example, see the below cube that is formed by 2 planes A and B. The 2 planes A and B are joined in 2 different formats to get 2 objects in different positions. A point plotted in the plane A, can be at the rear side of the cube as in Figure II and at the same time it can be at the top of the cube as in Figure III.
Similarly, we (humans) the objects of the 4th dimension (TIME) can be part of different world at the any given point of time or be part of the same world at different time (past + current + future).
You can be sitting here and listening to me and at the same time, driving a car in a different world in some other planet
You can be doing some fieldwork in 1200 BC and at the same time listening to me in 2050.
Coming closer to your problem, you have 3 kinds of issues: -
- By birth or by gene you normally get more dreams than any one.
- You also tend to get into imaginations easily
- Apart from these 2, you also live in multiple worlds.
First two points is common to most of them, while the 3rd point is unique and you are a living proof for my research. If we analyze this is something related to Time travel but not exactly. In time travel, people travel to that current period in time. But in your case you are living in multiple worlds at the same time. Which means, you live in the past & current or future & current at the same time. For you these different period in time has coincided. Here are the proofs
Saying that he keeps the documents which contains places that San described, the things and the activities that he saw there and proof for the existence of such place.
San is not able to digest what the scientist said. He is all the more confused and not convinced, he shouts, No, No I don’t believe all these crap and walks out from the place even without giving a ear to them. Both scientist and the psychiatrist try calling him "San", "San"... "wait". But he takes his car and drives straight to his house.
San takes break from his work and goes on a vacation. He still gets the dream, imagination not able to differentiate. After the previous meeting, he decides not to meet the psychiatrist. But he was feeling better as per his suggestion and medication. Few days pass by and things get worse. He is not able control his emotions. Keeps talking to himself and acts funny on the road. People watch him and later he sees that for himself and is very much affected. Then thinks, what if it is true whatever the scientist said? He also patiently looks at some of the documents, the places. Searches the net to confirm things. Decides to meet them again, to seek their help to come over this.
[Highlight of the movie]
Gets into his car, droves directly to the psychiatrist’s clinic. To his amusement, the whole place looks changed. He clearly remembers the route but is not able to find the building. Verifies with some near by people for that building. People tell him that the government has proposed to demolish the existing one and construct a building and that is something to similar which he has explained. He tries to check with people about the psychiatrist and the scientist. But there is no one with that name. San is shocked, rushes to the Dr who actually referred this psychiatrist. Neither the Dr nor his clinic exists.
San realizes that the Dr, Psychiatrist and the Scientist were living 2050 while he is in 2010. He was able to see himself at that time and it has overlapped with his current time.
He gets confirmed what they said was true!!!
He is able to see
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